Convergent Tectonics
Field Safety Leadership
Geoscience Education
3D Visualization
Field Safety Leadership
Safety enhances the success, accessibility, & inclusivity of field experiences. Learn how we are fostering safety in the field.
See where our research is taking us. Learn more about the places we are working in and the analytical techniques we are using.
Wooden, 3D models are excellent tools for illustrating challenging concepts like Rule of Vs, fault geometries, and topographic maps.
3D Geologic Block Model Activities
A collection of fully-interactive, digital SketchFab models, activities, and instructional videos for helping students with 3D relationships.
Kurt's Geologic Cross Section Method
A quick & effective method, sample activities, & videos for generating geologically admissible sections from field data.
Sacramento State is mindful in acknowledging that the land we stand on today was, and continues to be, occupied by the Miwok, Maidu, and Nisenan Indigenous People of this area. We recognize their culture is rich with spiritual ties to the land and waters that resonate with their traditions. We are humbled and take this opportunity to thank and express gratitude to the Indigenous People of this area, and encourage you to take time to reflect upon the current and ancestral relationship you have with the land on which you live and thrive.